If you’re not using custom printed polybags to showcase your brand while your goods are in transit, you’re missing a trick.
We’ve recently had lots of enquiries from businesses who want to level up their shipping strategies. One of the first things we recommend to companies in this position is to work out how their existing merchandise can work harder for them in terms of raising awareness of their branding. After all, it’s often not a case of investing in new stuff but improving and optimising what they’ve already got!
If you send out physical items in the mail, you will need to find suitable packaging solutions. There are lots of options, particularly in terms of mailing bags and mailing boxes – but if your items are not particularly fragile, or they are already supplied with a sturdy outer shell, you may find you achieve equally good results with plastic polybags.
As an example, polybags are a great choice for garments and accessories; you’ll notice that a lot of the major fashion brands use them these days. What these successful retail firms ALSO do is ensure their polybags are custom printed with their logo, brand colours, and key information such as their website address or social media handles. They make the most of the space that’s available to them and use their packaging to reinforce their brand image at every possible opportunity.

About our custom designed polybags
Our polybags have the flexibility to be printed in any colour, giving you free reign to come up with a totally eye-catching design that gets your key marketing message across to the masses. They are available with a frosted finish so as not to give too much away – and they come with zip-locks, making them easy to use (and reuse).
All our polybags are available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses, so we can help you create packaging for virtually any item.
We can also manufacture custom polythene bags in virgin, recycled, biodegradable or compostable materials to help prevent them from simply ending up in landfill.
Not sure if polybags are the right fit for you? Why not commit to a small order and give them a try? With a MOQ of just 100 on these products, you can find out for yourself whether polybags are the next logical step in your packaging journey!
Learn even more about our printed polybags here.