Where once we might have spent hours trawling through the shops to choose the perfect birthday or Christmas present for our friends and family members, these days, we’re deciding instead to hole up on the sofa with a laptop and search for a great gift idea online, instead.
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic – along with the Stay at Home orders that have come into play several times over the course of the last 10 months – have certainly accelerated the shift to ecommerce, as purchasers simply haven’t been allowed to shop instore (and many have not wanted to due to the risk of transmission). This report from ROI Revolution shows just how much consumer habits have changed since the start of 2020, and how the restrictions imposed at the start of the global outbreak placed unprecedented demands on web-based retailers, determining a trend that has continued to grow exponentially alongside all the uncertainty.
The events of the last year or so haven’t stopped customers from wanting to celebrate milestones, though. They still want to show their loved ones that they’re thinking about them – but rather than taking a trip and handing over a gift in person, they want to order something special from the web and have it delivered directly to the recipient’s doorstep.
The increase in demand for online orders – gifts or otherwise – is presenting e-retailers with lots of new challenges. However, we think there’s also an opportunity here for these companies to reconsider their branded packaging, and particularly key pieces of merchandise like printed mailing boxes, custom packaging boxes and custom courier boxes, in order to ensure their products leave a lasting, positive impression on purchasers (and, of course, the people they are purchasing for).
What you can do to make gift purchases stand out
We recommend taking a double-edged approach: investing in premium quality custom gift boxes, and upscaling your printed mailer packaging to keep the experience consistent.
Here’s a couple of our recent projects to give you an idea of what’s possible!

In this case, the customer has matched their gift box design with the label branding, then brought the logo to life with delicate foiling that brings a classy sheen to the overall look and feel of the product. We can use plenty of similar techniques to add a touch of sophistication to even the most straightforward ideas.

In the example here, the customer has created a simple yet beautiful looking mailer box, with clear logo placement and good use of brand colours. The company’s URL and key social media links have been added to the side of the product to encourage maximum cross-channel engagement. But whether you want to opt for a similarly straightforward design, or you want to have a little more fun with more intricate illustrations and embellishments, our team will be happy to help you come up with a concept that will impress everyone who comes into contact with your brand packaging.
Act now to stay front of mind!
As an online retailer, investing in your gift and mailer boxes has never been more important. It will help your products stand out in a sea of other shipments – and it’s the ideal way to capture the attention of all those discerning online gifters who want to show their loved ones just how much they mean to them.
Talk to the team at Hallmark Labels today to discuss your options and learn more about the various colours and finishes available! And remember, we can customise all your printed bags and custom mailing bags, not to mention help you create stunning bespoke printed labels for use in your garments and accessories.